Snow White awakens to Prince Charming's Kiss...28 days later. The third installment of the Ringo Award-nominated dark fantasy series.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
SWZA #3's Digital Copy is OUT! + Spores
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Mar 01, 2021 at 01:13:40 PM
Hey folks!
Thank you SO MUCH for your patience! Every one of you should have your digital copy of SWZA #3 awaiting download in your Kickstarter message inbox. If I missed anyone, or you have technical difficulties please do not hesitate to contact me!
I am SO excited about this issue. Reign of the Blood-Covered King #2 will be coming soon as well. In fact you all got VERY lucky -- this KS inspired so much creativity in me that you're getting a TEN page Ashcan with a brand-new cover instead of the previous six pages!
So be on the lookout for that. I will ALSO be revealing the design for the NEW official SWZA Coin, hopefully tomorrow (and locking pre-orders and charging cards shortly thereafter) so keep an eye out:
Dave is an incredible creator and has been one of SWZA's greatest champions. This new book Spores looks amazing, and he's got seven days left and still has $3k to raise to hit goal. So what are you waiting for? Go Pledge and Grab Yourself a Copy!
SWZA Tarot Cards + Outstanding Backerkit Surverys
almost 4 years ago
– Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 09:17:44 PM
Hey folks!
So, 95% of you have gotten your Backerkit surveys in. However, several of the remaining 5% that have still not responded are entitled to a number of rewards including digital downloads and having your name listed in the back of the book. As such I will be including a list at the end of this update (with last names redacted) of everyone who still has not responded. I have passed on all names to our letterer, so there's a chance at this point that I'll have to have you listed as best I can. We're also missing addresses for several people, so check the list and if you see your name, contact me immediately. You can fill out the survey by clicking the link and entering your email below:
Luana and I had an incredibly fun time making these and they turned out amazing, so if there's enough interest we will continue to create more, and maybe even an ENTIRE SWZA-theme Tarot Deck! So please, consider adding them to your order. There's a bundle deal on all six of the original cards.
Onwards and Upwards!
- Brent
Outstanding backerkit surveys:
Anthony S
Jose L
Stefanos E
Jeff P
Christine B
Jeff Lee
David Munzinger
Chrisea Graves
Concept Moon
Kevin Purzycki
Ainius Daunoravicius
Caleb M
Joseph C
Sean B
Backerkit Surveys OUT + SWZA COINS UNLOCKED + OOPS Free Comics?
about 4 years ago
– Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 08:20:00 PM
Backerkit Surveys:
Hey folks, as of now, ALL of you should have received your Backerkit surveys. Please fill them out as soon as you can, because SWZA #3 is DONE and lettered BUT I cannot complete it until each of you fills out your surveys, because I need to know what name you want in the acknowledgements.
ALSO, there are FIVE of you with broken emails. I've reached out to you individually, but check your PMs to be certain it's not you. I CANNOT send those five ANY rewards (Print or Digital) because there's no valid email OR physical address at this time.
Remember we weren't' able to hit that last stretch goal? Well you folks just BLEW PAST IT in the Backerkit, as such SWZA COINS are now available as an add-on! We're hard at work designing them and will be minting them soon!
Did I Hear Free Comics???
Yes, you did. SOOOO...I messed up. On one of the KS levels titled "Early Bird: Variant Covers" for $20, I Accidentally listed print copies of SWZA #1 and #2 instead of Digital. This level was SUPPOSED to be a $5 discount for JUST the printed variant cover, but instead I gave you a $15 discounted to the Alpha Wolf level AND a Variant Cover on top of it!
So, a steeper discount than I intended BUT, my loss is your gain -- I've decided that since it was listed as a benefit in the rewards section (but not the description) I will honor that and send everyone who bought at this level print copies of issue #1 and #2 at no additional charge.
So, if you were one of the lucky 50 who bought that level congratulations! Though, since all of this goes to fund SWZA going forward, please check out the preorder store or consider dropping some money in the tip jar, all the money goes to the continued production of SWZA as a series (and hey, those SWZA Coins are EXACTLY $15).
We've also got some other incredible prints, posters, pins and T-Shirt designs that are proving really popular:
All proceeds go to continuing this amazing series! Onwards and upwards and fill out those surveys!
Backerkit Surveys are dropping!
about 4 years ago
– Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 04:56:35 AM
Hey folks, accidentally posted this on the OLD campaign, so here it is again.
About 5% of you have now received your surveys. If you are one of the lucky few selected to participate in the "beta" test, please fill them out ASAP and get them back to me as, the sooner you do, the sooner I can fix any errors and send them out to everyone else.
ALSO: New Add-ons
We at team SWZA have worked really hard to get you a BUNCH of new Add-ons that are only available through this Backerkit. There's even a chance to get that SWZA coin stretch goal we fell short of...but only if at least 100 of you select it as an add-on:
The coins are gonna be super-cool and I really want to design and mint them, so please do select it. You will ONLY be billed if we meet or exceed that goal.
Plus there's a bunch of super-cool stuff like this pin & sticker design by artist Eric Moore that was used in the promotion of the original play in NYC:
Additional Shipping Fees:
Unfortunately, due to how Backerkit works, I have to charge everyone additional shipping fees for add-ons. This actually works out as apparently the USPS has increased their shipping fees from the last time.
HOWEVER, if you have already paid significant shipping fees and WANT to order some add-ons but don't want to pay for shipping twice (that will most likely fit in the same box) send me an email at SnowWhiteZombie "At" Gmail "dot" com and/or message me here on Kickstarter and I may be able to REFUND all or most of the extra shipping.
How much I can refund will depend upon what you're ordering and where you live, but I'm gonna do my best to work with you and get you these rewards as quickly and inexpensively as possible.
Alternatively, if you don't care to pay a little extra and want to support the project, we always lose money on shipping and everything will go back into production so the additional funds will be put to good use.
Thanks so much! This book is turning out incredibly.
Your BackerKit surveys are coming + NEW SWZA Add-Ons! & CAPABLE #1-3
about 4 years ago
– Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 07:04:03 PM
Hey folks!
Sorry for the wait! The holidays threw us all for a loop, but things are on track to get you your rewards in march! Soon, you’ll receive an email from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information to fulfill your rewards.
ALSO! I'm happy to announce that there are some SUPER COOL NEW SWZA ADD-ONs you can purchase that have been made especially for you in this preorder period. This includes Enamel Pins, Stickers, THREE DIFFERENT T-SHIRT Designs (lowres due to the picture quality, not the shirt):
AND a NEW COMIC that I was not able to offer in the initial campaign:
You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. You don’t have access to this survey link yet, but it will be available soon via email!
After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at
If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at
So keep an eye out!
ALSO! This is SUPER LAST MINUTE, but you need to check out Capable #1-3