
Snow White Zombie Apocalypse #1-3

Created by Brenton Lengel

Snow White awakens to Prince Charming's Kiss...28 days later. The third installment of the Ringo Award-nominated dark fantasy series.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy Holidays + Cruxshadows and V2A!
about 4 years ago – Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 11:50:34 AM

Hey folks,

So, things have been a whirlwind over the past few days. However, I wanted to be sure to give you guys an update, just so you know where everything is!

We will be sending out surveys after the holidays AND you will have a chance to purchase if any of you were wanting additional comics, posters, or the new official SWZA T-Shirt THEN will be the time to add those to your order. 

Also, those of you who purchased cameos have been messaged. I need photos of you sent in so we can start working you into an upcoming issue!

NOW: Who wants some FREE original Christmas Music??? 

Since we've added so many new faces to SWZA's Zombie Horde, many of you may not be aware of my friend and collaborator Rogue of the Cruxshadows (we're writing a fantasy novel together)...but I guarantee you have heard his work before...because he's the guy who wrote and performed Wake the White Queen which can be heard as an underscore in the SWZA pitch video. 

She treats you like you're poetry / She loves you like you're art

Rogue is an absolute genius, has contributed to SWZA's creative direction multiple times and with his band Cruxshadows he's actually managed to beat out Madonna and Beyoncé (no, really) for the #1 dance hit in the world in 2005

Aaand as luck would have it, Rogue has a holiday tradition of putting out a NEW free Christmas song EVERY year, and this year...guys, it really slaps.

So if you're looking to break up the regular holiday rotation with something new, please check it out. The DL is free and all of his past Christmas songs are also available for download (at this point he's halfway to a full album). If you are so inclined, please do donate as well as this is how he pays for his daughter's Christmas every year.  

AND, while we're on the topic of awesome bands, there's an INCREDIBLE post-apocalyptic kickstarter that helped push us past 600 backers running right now. 

Say Hello to V2A "Doomsday":

This is a REALLY cool post-apocalyptic collaboration between Dave West and V2A: the World Famous Post Apocalyptic Industrial Rock Band:

These guys are super cool and reached out to support SWZA in the final hours of our campaign. You should totally check out this comic because it's something really special and I LOVE when there's artistic crossovers like this that span creators and mediums.

Pete's Basement + Sunspot Comics Podcast + Miskatonic High
about 4 years ago – Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 01:17:36 PM

Hey folks!

With just a little under $4k to go, I thought I'd share with you some of the GREAT press SWZA #2 has been getting! And the first review you want to check out is this GLOWING real-time review from Pete's Basement:

Pete has a fantastic youtube comics show with high production values and has been a huge champion of SWZA. Absolutely every one of you should subscribe to him for comics news going forward.

Aaand, if podcasts are more your speed, make sure you check out my recent interview with Chris of the Sunspot Comics Podcast:

This is one of the more fun interviews I've done and it's available and streaming on all major podcast platforms.

Finally, everyone needs to check out Miskatonic High:

I can feel the lovecraft from here

There's a significant Lovecraftian influence on SWZA and my other fiction as well. I'm also a big fan of the Call of Cthulhu RPG (even if the best strategy for "winning" is to just have your character hide in a closet and never look at anything or go anywhere) so this comic naturally drew my attention. They have just 44 hours to go and have hit their goal, so if you wanna jump on this coming-of-age twist on the Eldritch Horror train, I can't recommend them enough.  

As we speed towards the finish line, please be sure to pledge and share SWZA as much as you can! I'm really looking forward to having those *DEFINITELY* enchanted SWZA coins minted so smash that "pledge" button and let's make this happen!

about 4 years ago – Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 12:56:34 PM

Hey folks!

So, you're not gonna believe this, remember that awesome variant cover for issue #3? The one based on SuspenStories #22? The comic that was SO SHOCKING in 1950 it kicked off a congressional investigation and the adoption of the notoriously restrictive Comics Code? 

This comic. Are You Horrified? I'm Horrified. And OFFENDED.

Yeah, so this is the comic that we're parodying, which...and I can't believe I'm even saying this...Facebook is CENSORING SWZA for doing so.

No I'm not kidding:

I literally had to do this to get them to run it as an ad.

Apparently, Mark Zuckerberg is as horrified by our little joke, as US senators were 70 freaking years ago.

So that's a thing that's happening. 

ALSO, guys if you're as into badass women in longcoats kicking monster ass you really don't want to miss out on The Few And The Cursed:

Oh. Hell. Yes.

They're currently running a wildly successful KS campaign for their first trade. I'm a backer and if you aren't you should be too. Pledge now because they only have three days left!


New Stretch Goal UNLOCKED + SWZA COINS + Campaign Spotlight
about 4 years ago – Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 12:37:21 AM


Everytime I come here to set a new stretch goal you've already blown by it and I have to go back to the drawing board to find something as awesome as where you are now.

So here it is, to CELEBRATE breaking $20k I'm releasing a limited-edition series of SWZA collectible Cards! ONE of FIVE will be included with every pledge of $30 and above!

*ALSO* if we can top $25,000 we will be releasing a set of commemorative SWZA COINS starting at $35 and above! That's right you can have an actual coin from The Prince's Kingdom featuring a SWZA character. Is it magic? Probably. Try making a wish!

In the meantime, there's a few amazing creators I want to be sure to spotlight:

The Last Ember

Love that fire. Crackle

Let's be real here. This book looks really good. I love that fire and I love urban fantasy and gods in disguise. This KS is funded and has less than a day to go so see if you can grab some swag and land some additional last-minute stretch goal swag!

The Antagonists

I think my favorite part is the dog.

It's been twenty years since the world has seen or heard from the infamous supervillains known as Desructus and Ultima. Wanted and pursued by the governments of the world the couple retired and settled down in suburbia Detroit. Now loving and hard-working parents Calvin and Tonya Eval struggle to keep their worst impulses in check and their past and identities hidden from their super-powered children.

I LOVE the concept of a supervillian family on the run and I'm anticipating some really great action and some funny moments. They are also fully funded, so make sure you grab em while you can!

 Lands of Toons 

I'm a sucker for a fantasy kingdom.

This is a smaller kickstarter with nine days to go that could definitely use some love. I find the art incredibly charming and the characters really evoke a lot of nostalgia. Definitely take some time to check them out.

Onwards and upwards! Let's finish this kickstarter strong!


about 4 years ago – Tue, Dec 01, 2020 at 04:24:03 PM


You've been doing amazing! Every time I check, more people are getting excited about Snow White Zombie Apocalypse!

It's taken me a few days (plus the holiday) to lock down this next stretch goal, and to do it, I've reached out to some absolutely AMAZING comic creators, including David Pepose, Bryan Silverbax, Chris Hamer, Joel Rodriguez, David Byrne, Rich Woodall, Andrea Molinari, Dave Dwonch, and Kathryn Calamia!

ALL of these incredible people have agreed to contribute a Digital PDF download of one of their comics to EVERYONE who has pledged to this Kickstarter at the $5 level or above IF we can break $17,000 before the close -- which considering how well we've been doing is well within our grasp.

That means that each of you will be receiving a download link for well over 200 digital pages from some of the most exciting indie creators in the business! 

And speaking of Kathryn Calamia, you're definitely gonna want to check out her book, Like Father, Like Daughter:

She's currently funding the seventh issue and has ten days to go! LFLD is a super fun book that really reminds me of early Invincible, which is one of my favorite series and definitely worth your time to check out.

Also, If you're like me, and into classic horror, I would HIGHLY recommend checking out  this Drive-In-Double Feature Card Set: 

I saw this on twitter and couldn't help but pledge. There's some terrific art for any horror fan, and it makes a great gift. They've only 10 hours left, so if you're up to pledge, I'd get it in before the campaign closes.

Onwards and Upwards, 
